40K Secret Santa Tournament 2018


December 8, 2018    
9:30 am - 6:00 pm


Bookings closed


Kingston Gaming Nexus
270 Bagot St., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3G5

Event Type

Ho Ho Ho Everyone!  This tournament is laid back, fun, great for newcomers! This is our one tournament of the year that is stressed as super friendly, so please leave your ultra-competitive list at home and bring something that’s fun to play (and fun to play against).

  • Forge World models (which newer players would not likely have access to or be familiar with) and Super-heavies are not permitted (i.e. anything in the super-heavy detachment, not even Guilliman, knights, Magnus, etc.). The Tournament Organizer reserves the right to send your list packing if it is clearly not within the bounds of a fun friendly environment! If you are unsure whether or not your list is too rough for this tournament or not, feel free to send us a message with your list and we’ll let you know immediately. The main goal here is a fun tourney where everyone can have fun!
  • 1500 point lists
  • Maximum of 2 detachments
  • No painting requirement. … if you WANT to be fully painted in preparation for Club championships then that is awesome and you may expect a crisp high five for your efforts!


Place Name Opponents Total
1 Lukas Duchaine Daniel Macdonald, Guy Leger, Matthew McAdoo 61
2 Sean Bai Keegan Rae, Kevin Rutherford, Justin Machesney 53
3 Alissa McDonough Peter Aadoson, Peter Scouten, Guy Leger 51
4 Jordan Racey Cory Tokay, Colin Krstic, Kaelon Brown 51
5 Cory Tokay Jordan Racey, Josh Watters, Jack Crowley 51
6 Matthew McAdoo Michael Purdon, Matthew Santiago, Lukas Duchaine 50
7 Kevin Rutherford Eric Morrin, Sean Bai, Nick Klimchuk 49
8 Kaelon Brown Liam Macadoo, Andrew Groom, Jordan Racey 48
9 Justin Machesney Tom Wilson, Corey Donohue, Sean Bai 47
10 Matthew Santiago Jason Leclair, Matthew McAdoo, Adam Grossutti 46
11 Daniel Macdonald Lukas Duchaine, Mark Figge, Tim Gagnon 46
12 Tom Wilson Justin Machesney, Eric Morrin, Tony Crawford 45
13 Dave Bertrand Jake Porter, Peter Aadoson, Peter Scouten 45
14 Chris Myers Tim Gagnon, Jake Porter, Keegan Rae 44
15 Liam Macadoo Kaelon Brown, Tony Crawford, Mike Cranston 43
15 Keegan Rae Sean Bai, Jason Leclair, Chris Myers 43
17 Tony Crawford Josh Watters, Liam Macadoo, Tom Wilson 43
17 Jake Porter Dave Bertrand, Chris Myers, Corey Donohue 43
19 Adam Grossutti Ian Talbot, Nick Klimchuk, Matthew Santiago 43
20 Guy Leger Josh Maxam, Lukas Duchaine, Alissa McDonough 42
21 Mike Cranston Peter Scouten, Jack Crowley, Liam Macadoo 42
22 Nick Klimchuk Justin Carreiro, Adam Grossutti, Kevin Rutherford 42
23 Jack Crowley Jonathan Wolfe, Mike Cranston, Cory Tokay 41
24 Corey Donohue Mark Figge, Justin Machesney, Jake Porter 40
25 Josh Watters Tony Crawford, Cory Tokay, Greg Brushey 40
26 Stefan Myers Greg Brushey, Tim Gagnon, Andrew Groom 39
27 Tim Gagnon Chris Myers, Stefan Myers, Daniel Macdonald 39
28 Michael Purdon Matthew McAdoo, Justin Carreiro, Colin Krstic 39
29 Andrew Groom Colin Krstic, Kaelon Brown, Stefan Myers 38
30 Jonathan Wolfe Jack Crowley, Greg Brushey, Justin Carreiro 37
31 Colin Krstic Andrew Groom, Jordan Racey, Michael Purdon 36
32 Greg Brushey Stefan Myers, Jonathan Wolfe, Josh Watters 36
33 Mark Figge Corey Donohue, Daniel Macdonald, Jason Leclair 35
34 Eric Morrin Kevin Rutherford, Tom Wilson, Josh Maxam 35
35 Justin Carreiro Nick Klimchuk, Michael Purdon, Jonathan Wolfe 35
36 Peter Scouten Mike Cranston, Alissa McDonough, Dave Bertrand 33
37 Josh Maxam Guy Leger, Ian Talbot, Eric Morrin 31
38 Peter Aadoson Alissa McDonough, Dave Bertrand, Ian Talbot 30
39 Jason Leclair Matthew Santiago, Keegan Rae, Mark Figge 30
40 Ian Talbot Adam Grossutti, Josh Maxam, Peter Aadoson 27


Bookings are closed for this event.


Confirmed Unconfirmed
  • Shannon McLeod
  • Michael Purdon
  • Kevin Rutherford
  • Peter Scouten
  • Chris Myers
  • Stefan Myers
  • Justin Machesney
  • Colin Krstic
  • Adam Grossutti
  • Matthew McAdoo
  • Lukas Duchaine
  • Keegan Rae
  • Cory Tokay
  • Jonathan Wolfe
  • Matthew Santiago
  • Daniel Macdonald
  • Greg Brushey
  • Liam Macadoo
  • Justin Carreiro
  • Guy Leger
  • Jordan Racey
  • Andrew Groom
  • Corey Donohue
  • Peter Aadoson
  • Joshua Watters
  • Ian Talbot
  • Nick Klimchuk
  • Timothy Gagnon
  • Sean Bai
  • Josh Maxam
  • Tony Crawford
  • Dave Bertrand
  • Kaelon Brown
  • Tyler/Mike Cranston

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