Horus Heresy: A Good Day to Heresy Hard


June 8, 2024    
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Bookings closed


Kingston Gaming Nexus
270 Bagot St., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3G5

Event Type

WHEN: June 8th, 2024
SYSTEM: Warhammer 30,000 2.0ed
WHERE: Kingston Gaming Nexus
WHAT: 1500 point tournament
RULESET: 30k 2.0 with Age of Darkness community ruleset.
SLOTS: 16, 4 Eldar slots
RESTRICTIONS: None, though there will be one zone mortalis table so you will require a ZM list alongside your normal one.

BCP link

This tournament will be more narratively focused, with a narrative thread focusing on the heretic landings on planet and the seizure of a star fort in orbit.

This is a smaller, 1500 point tournament to focus on trying out the Age of Darkness community ruleset. Entry is $20.

This ruleset can be found here: hh-ageofdarkness.itch.io

The primary part will be the Liber Panoptica, which is a community FAQ, but all of the other books- including the eldar one- are open game. There is a cap of 4 eldar/harlequin players out of
the 16.

Forum Link

Ongoing website issue: to register you must be logged into an account


Bookings are closed for this event.


Confirmed Unconfirmed
  • Kalen Semenick
  • Tony Vosburg