Kill Team: Nova 2018


August 4, 2018 - September 1, 2018    
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed


Kingston Gaming Nexus
270 Bagot St., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3G5

Event Type

To celebrate the launch of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, Nexus is celebrating by kicking off a mini campaign! This is not a narrative campaign as described in the Core Manual. Instead, we will be inviting you to play a special mission each week, trying out different command rosters, scenarios, and objectives. Points will not carry over from week to week – it’s a chance for us all to get familiar with the new rules! Then, on the last week, we will do a short, 3-round tournament. You do not need to attend all weeks… but you’ll have a better chance at winning a door prize at the end if you do!


  • Saturday, August 4: Game Day 1
  • Saturday, August 11: Game Day 2
  • Saturday, August 18: Game Day 3
  • Saturday, August 25: Game Day 4
  • Saturday, September 1: Mini Tournament



Before each game day, each player must create a command roster consisting of between 3 and 20 models, all of which must share a Faction keyword and at least one of which must be a Leader. The command roster does not need to be the same from week to week. Players must share a copy of their command roster with their opponent before mustering for each mission (see below).


Once the mission has been determined, players will muster their kill teams and choose their secondary objectives. Players have a maximum of five minutes to select datacards for models from their command roster, following all the normal restrictions for Battle-forged kill teams as found on page 62 of the Kill Team Core Manual.

Once a player has selected a datacard, it must be placed face down in a stack, which should be concealed from their opponent. Players may need to add or remove datacards from their stack during this mustering period in order to not exceed the 100-point limit. When a player has finished selecting datacards, they must declare to their opponent that their muster is complete. If all players declare that their muster is complete before the time limit is reached, the datacard stacks are revealed simultaneously. Each player checks their opponent’s datacards to ensure that they have a Battle-forged kill team, and then the players collect the models for the datacards in their stack and proceed to the next mission step.

If the time limit is reached and not all players have declared that their muster is complete, players who have not completed their mustering can only use datacards that are already in their stack at the point the time expires. If the datacards in their stack break any of the Battle-forged kill team restrictions, their opponent must carry out the following steps:

  1. If more than one Leader is in the stack, or if there are no Leaders in the stack, choose which of the player’s Leaders is included in the stack, removing or adding datacards as necessary.
  2. If the stack contains more than 3 specialists (excluding the Leader), remove specialists until the specialist limit is reached.
  3. If the stack includes more than the maximum of any particular model, as detailed on its datasheet, remove datacards for that model until the limit is reached.
  4. If, after carrying out the necessary steps above, the Force of the datacards in the stack exceeds 100 points, remove one datacard at a time from the stack, excluding the Leader and prioritising non-specialists, until the Force is less than or equal to 100 points.

If the time limit is reached before any players have declared their muster is complete, the muster continues until one player declares their muster complete, at which point the other player can only use datacards that are already in their stack. If the datacards in a player’s stack breaks any of the Battle-forged kill team restrictions, their opponent must carry out the steps above.


Do not use the environment table when playing the missions in this campaign.


When playing the missions in this campaign, models cannot be set up above ground level or climb any terrain with a height greater than 2″ for any reason. As a result, you may find that some Tactics, pieces of wargear and abilities (e.g. a Reiver’s grapnel launcher) either cannot be used or have less utility in these games, as they directly affect models that are climbing or are at a certain height above ground level.


The battlefield maps in this campaign have been designed to ensure that no player has an advantage based on the availability of cover, the location of objectives, and so on. If you have built the terrain features on a mission’s map in a different configuration to that shown, you should strive to set up your terrain in as symmetrical a manner as possible, working with your opponent to ensure a balanced playing area.



Secondary objectives provide a variety of challenging mission parameters for you to complete. Players choose which secondary objectives they have – and therefore which feats they must accomplish – in each mission.

Each secondary objective explains how it is scored, and in each mission, a player can only score a maximum of 3 victory points for each of their secondary objectives – even if a player could score more than 3 victory points by fulfilling the requirements of the secondary objective, they cannot score more than this maximum.

Each mission in this campaign lists the secondary objectives that can be used in that mission. When a player musters their kill team they also choose three secondary objectives from those listed in that mission.

Some missions include a bespoke secondary objective – a player can always choose this as one of their three secondary objectives when playing that mission. Once they have chosen their secondary objectives, the players record their choices on their score sheets.

If the time limit for mustering is reached and not all players have chosen three secondary objectives eligible for the mission being played, each of those players must randomly determine all of their secondary objectives by numbering each of the secondary objectives available in that mission, rolling a D6 three times and taking the corresponding secondary objectives (re-rolling in the event of a duplicate result or any result that does not have a corresponding objective marker).

A player’s secondary objectives are kept secret from their opponent (unless they are randomly determined as described above). When a player first scores a secondary objective, they must reveal that they have that secondary objective.

  • CALLED SHOT At the end of the Shooting phase, score 1 victory point if one or more Readied models from your kill team made an attack that took an enemy model out of action in that phase.
  • CUT APART At the end of the Fight phase, score 1 victory point if one or more models from your kill team made an attack that took an enemy model out of action in that phase.
  • ENGAGE ON ALL FRONTS Divide the battlefield into four equal rectangles, a corner of each of which meets the others in the centre of the battlefield. At the end of the battle round, score 1 victory point if there is at least one model from your kill team (other than shaken models) wholly within each of these rectangles.
  • HAMMERING At the end of the Fight phase, score 1 victory point if you made three or more Injury rolls for enemy models in that phase.
  • OBLITERATION At the end of the battle round, score 1 victory point if you rolled two or more dice in an Injury roll for an enemy model and that model was taken out of action by that Injury roll.
  • RECON SWEEP At the end of the battle round, score 1 victory point if one or more models from your kill team (other than shaken models) are wholly within the enemy deployment zone.
  • HEADLONG ASSAULT At the end of the Movement phase, score 1 victory point if three or more models from your kill team charged in that phase.
  • SCOUT THE FIELD At the end of the battle round, score 1 victory point if there are models from your kill team (other than shaken models) within 1″ of at least three different battlefield edges. Models wholly within your deployment zone do not count unless they are within 1″ of a battlefield edge that does not extend beyond your deployment zone, in which case they only count for one battlefield edge.
  • UNFAZED At the end of the Movement phase, score 1 victory point if two or more models from your kill team fired Overwatch in that phase, and no models from your kill team Retreated in that phase.


August 18: Ruin by Ruin

With the main body of the army far from this front, it falls to small teams of fighters to sweep and clear the sector, ruin by ruin if necessary. In doing so they must be swift and subtle, eliminating any enemy forces in such a way as to avoid drawing attention – and more adversities – down on themselves.


This mission is played in a Killzone: Sector Imperialis. Create the battlefield and set up terrain exactly as shown below. Then set up six objective markers as shown.



Do not resolve the Scouting phase in this mission.


The players roll off, and the loser of the roll-off chooses which deployment zone will be their own. The other deployment zone will be their opponent’s. The players then take it in turns to deploy one model from their kill team, starting with the player who lost the roll-off. Models must be set up wholly within their own deployment zone. If a player runs out of models to set up, skip them. Once the players have set up their models, deployment ends and the first battle round begins.


The battle automatically ends at the end of battle round 4.


Clear the Ruins: At the end of the battle round, a player scores 1 victory point if they control any ruins (see the map opposite), or 3 victory points if they control more ruins than their opponent. A player controls a ruin if
the total Wounds characteristic of models from their kill team that are wholly within that ruin is higher than the total Wounds characteristic of enemy models wholly within that ruin. A model is wholly within a ruin if it is
wholly within the corresponding rectangle (at least one corner of which is bounded by Sector Imperialis ruins) as shown opposite. A player cannot score more than 9 victory points for this victory condition in this mission.

Secondary Objectives

The secondary objectives available in this mission are: Called Shot, Headlong Assault, Prey on the Weak, Proximity Alert, Scout the Field, and Swift and Subtle: At the end of the battle round, score 1 victory point if no models from your kill team made a shooting attack of any kind in this battle round.

At the end of the battle, the player with the most victory points is the winner. If there is a tie, whichever player controls the most objective markers at the end of the battle is the winner. If there is still a tie, the game is a draw.


Bookings are closed for this event.


Confirmed Unconfirmed
  • Matthew McAdoo
  • Andrew Keast
  • Shannon McLeod
  • Patrick Stoffer
  • Andrew Sopko

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