Warhammer 40k Tag Team 2024


September 7, 2024 - September 8, 2024    
9:00 am - 6:00 pm


Bookings closed


Kingston Gaming Nexus
270 Bagot St., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3G5

Event Type

September 7th and 8th (it’s the FULL weekend!) – Kingston Gaming Nexus!
9:00 AM dice roll each day – store opens at 8:30 AM for registration and set up.
Teams will be four players. Your team is registered once each of your team members has prepaid either at Kingston Gaming Nexus or online at the Nexus website. We have to do prepay to ensure that people actually show up.
Entry fee is $30 each player which covers you for both days. (so $120 for the team)
Your team is capped at four players each – each player on the team brings a 1000 point list and you will be teamed up with each of your team members once during each day.
as an example:

Game one: Player A and Player B are a tag team, while Player C and D are another
Game two: Player A and C are a tag team, while player B and D are another
Game three: Player A and Player D are a tag team, while player B and C are another

The rule would be over the course of the tourney you’d have to play with each of the people on your team at least once day one, and with two combos the second day.
Your TEAM plays another TEAM – captains roll off, loser has to put up the first pairing (but gets to pick the table!), countered by the winner of the roll off with their pairing, now the remaining pairing plays the remaining pairing of the other team.
The matchups now play one another and you total the scores from the two games – this is your team score for the round!
Five rounds later, one team will be triumphant, and win the grand prize – Their team immortalized for all eternity on a trophy displayed at Kingston Gaming Nexus for all to bask in the glory of their victory!!!!!
Oh and there will be prizes… big prizes to be won in our traditional draw format… so everyone gets an equal chance to win!!!

Army Construction
There are no restrictions as per who can ally with whom. If you have space marines and your team mate has daemons, it’s all good!
LEGENDS units are not permitted. 
Each team member must have a legal 1,000 point list. You must have one character and no more than three choices from any unit which is not a battleline or dedicated transport, as per 10th edition rules. Your individual army (so YOUR 1k) must follow the 50% on the table rule – so you can’t have one teammate completely null deploy. Also any Epic Hero cannot be duplicated across your entire team (sorry, no quadruple Be’lakors)
Each player has their own warlord that can ONLY affect their army. (for those that do aura buffs it only affects your force)
Command Points: You generate your command points for YOUR ARMY ONLY and it is a separate pool for your army to use. As such, both members of a team can use any of the basic strats (ie: command reroll) because it comes out of their pool that they generate.
Army lists do NOT have to be submitted beforehand. It is the team captain’s responsibility to ensure that all lists are legal and correct.
The team must be prepared with two mission decks (so each pairing has one) however you will ONLY generate secondaries as a pair and must choose for your side if you do random draw or fixed each game. Either team member can achieve the secondaries drawn. The deployment maps, missions rules etc. will be decided ahead of time and laid out on the mission sheets.

Tournament Structure and Missions
5 games over two days – Saturday September 7th and Sunday September 8th. 8:30 AM doors open for registration. 9:00 dice roll. Team captains must ensure their team is present and accounted for PRIOR to 9:00 for matchups. I added a bit of time to the 2nd/3rd game per day (2 hours 45 minutes) as game one each day you can go into your lunch if you choose, and we have a full hour for lunch.

Day ONE:
Game one: 9:00 – 11:30
LUNCH: 11:30-12:30
Game two: 12:30 – 3:15
Game Three: 3:15 – 6:00

Day TWO:
Game one: 9:00 – 11:30
Lunch: 11:30-12:30
Game two: 12:30-3:15
Awards and Prizes: 3:30

There is zero painting requirement for this tournament. You can be completely unpainted if you wish, however it’s only 1k and painted armies look better on the table, so do your best!

How Armies interact:
You and your team mate are on the same side, but your enhancements and army rules cannot affect your team mate.

Due to an ongoing website issue, you must be logged into an account to register.


Bookings are closed for this event.


Confirmed Unconfirmed
  • Andrew Blower
  • Jonathan Wolfe
  • Shannon McLeod
  • Edwin Moore
  • Jordan Racey
  • Bram Broadcastle
  • Kevin Rutherford
  • Andrew Darling