Warhammer 40K Tag Team Tournament 2018


September 22, 2018 - September 23, 2018    
9:30 am - 6:00 pm


Bookings closed


Kingston Gaming Nexus
270 Bagot St., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3G5

Event Type

September 22nd and 23rd (it’s the FULL weekend!) – Kingston Gaming Nexus!

9:30 AM start on both days

Teams will be four players. Your team is registered once each of your team members has prepaid either at Kingston Gaming Nexus or online at the Nexus website. We want to do prepay to ensure that people actually show up.  Entry fee is $30 each player which covers you for both days – cheapest two day tourney anywhere!!!!

Your team is capped at four players each –  each player on the team brings a 1000 point list and you will be teamed up with each of your team members once during each day.

as an example:

Game one: Player A and Player B are a tag team, while Player C and D are another
Game two: Player A and C are a tag team, while player B and D are another
Game three: Player A and Player D are a tag team, while player B and C are another

The rule would be over the course of the tourney you’d have to play with each of the people on your team at least once each day.

Your TEAM plays another TEAM – captains roll off, loser has to put up the first pairing (but gets to pick the table!), countered by the winner of the roll off with their pairing, now the remaining pairing plays the remaining pairing of the other team.  The match-ups now play one another and you total ALL the scores from the four games – this is your team score for the round!

Six rounds later, one team will be triumphant, and win the grand prize – Their team immortalized for all eternity on a trophy displayed at Kingston Gaming Nexus for all to bask in the glory of their victory!!!!!

Oh and there will be prizes (Including an exclusive Forge World model)… big prizes to be won in our traditional draw format… so everyone gets an equal chance to win!!!

The Details:

  • There are no restrictions as per who can ally with whom. If you have space marines and your team mate has daemons, it’s all good!
    Only one unique per team though… no, you can’t bring four Celestines for example.
  • Each team member must have a legal battleforged 1,000 point list. As for the rules under matched play a 1,000 point list can only have up to TWO detachments in it.
  • Your individual army (so YOUR 1000 points) must follow the 50% on the table unit/PL rule – so you can’t have one teammate completely undeployed
  • EACH of the book scenarios will be played… round one is scenario one… two is two… you get the idea…
  • EACH of the deployment types will be played
  • (each game a team nominates one of their HQ’s to be the team’s warlord for each game that will count as slay the warlord)
  • Warlord traits and psychic powers are chosen game by game, so you can customize based on what’s best for your team.
  • Under strength units are not permitted.
  • Command Points – the base 3 points every army gets is per team – then you add for your detachments. So a team of one spearhead detachment each player gains 5 command points
  • that either player can access…. not 8


Rules clarification:

Q – Can i use my command abilities on my team mates army if we are for example both playing craftworlds/chaos etc?

A – No, you and your teammate’s army cannot benefit from spells that target friendly units, command abilities or other benefits.

Q – Will we be using ITC rules or just the rulebook as is?

A – Locally we do not use ITC rules. We are not affiliated with ITC at all and do not award points etc.

Q – Are beta rules in effect?

A – All beta rules are in effect.

Q – Can my psychic powers be used on my teammates models/units if we are for example both craftworlds/chaos etc.

A – No, your armies cannot benefit from each others abilities or spells.

Q – What are the painting restrictions

A – No painting requirement – but it’s 1k – do your best!

Q – Are there points for hobby scoring as well as gameplay?

A – There are points awarded for other “soft” scores such as sportsmanship, which is one of our more heavily weighted soft scores locally.

Q – Do auras like Guilliman’s work on allies?

A – No, you cannot affect your partner’s army in any beneficial way..

Q – If we both have fire prisms can we use the stratagem to fire his through mine?

A – No, you cannot affect your partner’s army in any beneficial way.

Q – Can we confirm the no stacking rules? Ex. If both player have chaos space marines can my sorcerer cast warptime on my partners unit? As long as they have all the proper key words?

A – No, you cannot affect your partner’s army in any beneficial way.

Q – Are relics unique? In other words can teammates with the same army take the same relic? Are warlord traits unique or can teammates take the same warlord trait?

A – Relics are unique per team. Warlord traits only affect your own 1k force so can be duplicated.

Q – Can each teammate cast the same spell? So double warptime?

A – Each spell can only be cast once per team, with the exception of smite of course. You’re basically “allies of convenience” in 7th edition terms.

Q – Stratagems- Can each teammate use the same stratagems in the same phase? So double veterans of the long war? Double reroll a dice strategem in the same phase?

A – Each stratagem can only be used once in the phase so no double veterans of the long war.

Q – How does it work if both teammates have a way to get command points back? Do they both get to roll or do you choose only one person to roll? For example if each can get a command point when their opponents uses a stratagem then do they both roll or just one?

A – You share a command point pool, however if you have two ways of regenerating command points from different sources, then you can attempt them both (ie: Tau 6+ and Imperial Guard 5+) but can only be successful ONCE. (so if the tau player rolls his 6+ AND the guard player their 5+ they only get the one CP back, not double the CP!)

Q – How does sportsmanship work?

A – We are using the pass/fail method of sportsmanship scoring – basically, if you think your opponent is a bad sport, then say so, and they will be docked points. They are docked progressively more points for each negative check mark (we are using -1/-3/-6/-10).  Then at the end of the tournament, everyone votes on who was their favourite opponent; each vote is worth bonus points.

Final Results

Place Name Members City Total
1 Tabled Turn 1 John Meier, Scott Berdette, Tyler Sutherland, Brandon Shaw London 139
2 Winner Chicken Dinner Dan Morris, Christopher Haines, Jason Sparks, Nicholas Smithers Brockville 138
3 League of Ultimate Evil Dan MacDonald, Shannon McLeod, Justin Carreiro, Justin Machesney Kingston 127
4 Eternal Optimism David Watson, Jay Sheehy, Brenden Walker, Will Serroul Peterborough 126
5 The Basement Collective Kevin Armitage, Irvin Armitage, OJ Andrews, Brandon Smith Sudbury 125
6 Barbershop Goretet Revin Rutherford, Andrew Groom, Brandon Spence, Rick Abrams Kingston 124
7 Loaded Dice Tristan Mitchell, Dan Platt, Mike Strang, Ryan Schroeder London 123
8 Spirit of Garrett Connor Makarucha, Matt McAdoo, Tim Gagnon, Colin Krstic Kingston 120
9 Top 15 Finish Jordan Racey, Alissa McDonough, Eric Morrin, Jack Crowley Kingston 115
10 Adeptus Shenanigus Lukas Duchaine, Kyle Quinn, Keegan Rae, Russel Wigginton Kingston 111
11 Space Force Mark Battson, Brian Northey, Craig Battson, Matt Armstrong Peterborough 97
12 Nice Guys Guy Leger, Chris Myers, Chris McDonnell, Stefan Myers Kingston 95
13 Leftovers Ryan Rumohr, Kyle Young, John Gresswell, Evan Morris Brockville 86
14 Heretical Alliance Cory Tokay, Mike Cranston, Jonathan Wolfe, Patrick Stoffer Kingston 81


This event is fully booked.


Confirmed Unconfirmed
  • Connor Makarucha
  • Mark Battson
  • John Meier
  • Kevin Armitage
  • dan morris
  • Ryan Rumohr
  • Guy Leger
  • Daniel MacDonald
  • Lukas Duchaine
  • David Watson
  • Kevin Rutherford
  • Jordan Racey
  • Cory Tokay

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