Warmachine & Hordes & Monsterpocalypse: Open Gaming


November 1, 2019    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Kingston Gaming Nexus
270 Bagot St., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3G5

Event Type

WARMACHINE players take on the role of warcasters as they lead their titanic forces into battle. Warcasters possess significant martial prowess of their own as well as having hardened warriors and magical spells to bring to bear. Players collect, assemble, and paint fantastically detailed models representing the varied warriors, machines, and creatures in their armies. WARMACHINE is fully compatible with its feral twin, the monstrous miniatures combat game of HORDES.

HORDES players take on the role of warlocks as they lead their wild forces into battle. Warlocks are formidable combatants in their own right, and their armies make use of both hardened and brutal warriors and packs of savage warbeasts, allowing them to contend on equal footing with the greatest armies of the Iron Kingdoms.

MONSTERPOCALYPSE is a fast-moving, action-packed battle miniatures game played with detailed hobby miniatures that players assemble and paint to portray the most fearsome giant monsters on Earth!

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