Warhammer 40K Secret Santa 2022


December 10, 2022    
8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Bookings closed


Kingston Gaming Nexus
270 Bagot St., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3G5

Event Type

Registration 8:30 AM

Dice roll at 9:00 AM

Cost – $20 and you must bring a wrapped gift (approximate value of $10)

This will be a laid back, fun, great for newcomers tourney! – expectation is for people to arrive with more fun lists than ultra competitive – this is our one tourney of the year that is stressed as super friendly. As such Lords of War / Primarchs are not permitted, or anything in the Supreme Commander detachment – (ie: no Guilliman, Magnus, silent king etc.)


Forgeworld is by express permission only. Please contact the T.O. about this BEFORE the tourney. If it’s the really good stuff from forge world, I’ll probably say no. If it’s a cool kroot character, you’ll get the thumbs up. Fun and thematic is the goal here.

The rule of TWO is in effect. Maximum of two detachments, and any unit which is not a troop or dedicated transport cannot be chosen more than twice.

It will be 1,000 point lists, four games of an hour and a half each:

9:00 AM – 10:30 – Game one
10:45 – 12:15 – Game Two
12:15 – Lunch
1:15 – 2:45 – Game Three
2:45 – 4:15 Game Four
4:30 – Prizes, including Santa’s table!

There is no painting requirement for this tournament, however if you WANT to be fully painted in preparation for club championships then that is awesome and you may expect a (virtual) crisp high five for your efforts!

T.O. reserves the right to send your list packing if it is clearly not within the bounds of a fun friendly environment. If you are unsure whether or not your list is too rough for this tournament or not, feel free to send a message with your list and I’ll let you know immediately.

The main goal here is a fun tourney where everyone can have fun!

Entry fee is $20 (for our regular prize pool) – plus you need to bring a wrapped gift which would have the approximate value of $10. You can go gaming related (brush, paint, white dwarf, dice etc.) or non-gaming related (Cookies, body-wash, socks, etc.) . Whatever you’d like to receive as a gift or you think someone else would appreciate, because at the end, everyone gets a prize from Santa’s table! (hence why it needs to be WRAPPED)


This event is fully booked.


Confirmed Unconfirmed
  • Iain Clark
  • Jason Leclair
  • Andrew Blower
  • Michael Purdon
  • Colin Krstic
  • Maxime Gregoire
  • Cory Tokay
  • Kaelon Brown
  • Matt Morton
  • Kevin Rutherford
  • Edwin Moore
  • Kyle Abrams
  • Blayne Beers
  • Jonathan Wolfe
  • Chris McDonnell
  • Darius Gorganzadeh
  • Sean Richey
  • Pigeon Kaduck
  • David Mccarey
  • Luke Bawn
  • Jordan Clark
  • Clark Hudson
  • Jordan Racey
  • Matthew McAdoo
  • Matthew Santiago
  • Brandon Spence
  • sean smith
  • Corrin Lewis
  • Matt Buck
  • Shannon McLeod
  • liam anderson
  • Ryan Sullivan
  • Harry Fang
  • Henry Ban
  • Connor Makarucha